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A little more about why I love my oils

I rolled my ankle, these pictures are 2 days apart.  March 5th, March 6th (showing the oils I used ) and March 7th. I actually had to fly with this which didn't help swelling or bruising, and I spent 2 days upon arrival attending all day seminars, again no help to circulation. 
You rub these on your body and magic happens?

Yep. Really. On you is in you... hence nicotine patches. Yet seldom do we think about the chemicals and toxins we are exposed to daily, and expose OURSELVES to.

Aren't they kinda... well, do they even work? 

I was a sceptic too. I get it.


I believe we have a loving Creator who put everything we need on this earth to live Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous lives, its up to us to learn and use them. 

They do 

Give it a try! What do you have to loose? My life IS happier, emotionally, healthier... physically and mentally and absolutely more prosperous because of essential oils. 

Let me help you with the confidence to know how. Together we can. I'll teach you the steps. I have taught hundreds just like you to take control of their health. I'm here for you too.

Let's Connect! 

I invite you to consider that you might be excited about getting oily!  

Can I help or answer questions? Let's connect! 

Thanks! Looking forward to connecting!

Feel free to take a look around ... 

I receive compensation for selling doTERRA Products

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